In April 2014 a small but enthusiastic group of Australian watercolourists, conducted an urban crawl through Kashgar China as part of their Silk Road Sketchbook Tour. Kashgar, a city in far western China, is undergo significant change. The crawl was organised through the ancient mud city and street markets of this amazing location.  At each site, the sketcher was given 15 minutes before they had to move on to the next location about 5 minutes walk away.  From potters, street butchers and bakers, to mud houses and alleys, bazaars and open fronted shops, sketchers were challenged at each site. All accepted the fun of plein art work which in many cases drew significant crowds.  Thank you to all who participated in such a venture... truly a first for this part of the world!


Urban Sketchers Sydney are a diverse group of artists keen to explore the urban environment through plein air sketching. They meet each month in a variety of locations. For details ....

The main organiser for this group is Liz Steel who has a great website at....

Good sketching site from the Domain looking towards Sydney Hospital. This was a quick sketch between rain showers on Sunday morning.